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  1. Hans Erik Sæbø 2073 points
  2. Erin 1223 points
  3. Luis 402 points

Latest topics

Share your Setup Picture

I have noticed it’s been very quiet in the community the last few months.  Maybe everyone is hibernating for the winter but that’s usually when I do the most listening.  Anyway, the latest Arendal request for videos of our setups got me thinking we should share a picture of our...

In: Showroom 6 replies last reply 2 weeks, 5 days ago

Hegel H190 + Arendal 1723 Monitors + SVS Sub

I wanted to pass on this information as it may be of help to anyone looking to replace their integrated amplifier. Recently, I purchased a Hegel H190 (class A/B) in a search to improve my already good sounding NAD C-370 (so I thought) albeit an old integrated amplifier. I tried...

In: Hangout 3 replies last reply 3 weeks ago

Good stuff to listen to 🎵

Hey guys, right now I am listening to Rammstein’s new album called “Zeit” on my 1723 S speakers (sounds great ☺️). From a “song-perspective” it unfortunately is a mediocre album, but from a production standpoint it is quite interesting. While not super-audiophile in nature, they used 3D-Sound as mentioned in...

In: Hangout 242 replies last reply 3 weeks, 3 days ago

Impedance and amps

My 1723 center is listed as 4 ohm. In looking at the impedance chart, it looks like it performs around 5 ohms at130 hz and then lifts above for the remainder of the sweep. My question, some amps are not rated for 4 ohms or are 4 ohm stereo amps...

In: Technical questions 0 replies last reply 3 weeks, 4 days ago

Yamaha with Arendal

<i>Hello</i>   I am thinking about buying a pair of the 1723 monitor s and a Yamaha as 1200, does anybody have any experience with Arendal and Yamaha? I would also like to add a DAC so I can use the analog amplifier as a 2 channel movie setup, do...

In: Technical questions 3 replies last reply 4 weeks ago
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