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  1. Hans Erik Sæbø 2073 points
  2. Erin 1223 points
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Subwoofer 1723 2S

Dear all, I am just curious, since the 2S has 2 XLR ports, is every side of the sub separately controlable ? Are there also some wave patterns available to see how the sound waves behave coming from the side ? Thank you in advance ! Markus

In: Technical questions 2 replies last reply 1 year, 1 month ago

In-wall/In-Ceiling Speakers

Any chance of adding timbre matched in-wall and in-ceiling speakers to the lineup?  Even better if they are THX certified.  I think this would be beneficial to those who need to save on space or who like the aesthetics of having things in wall.  Also would probably help round out...

In: Ideas 15 replies last reply 1 year, 1 month ago

Community web interface / App

I find it very complicated to navigate the community area on the website and to keep track of your own posts. also your own profile can’t really be accessed well. an update of the web interface for more user-friendliness would certainly liven up the community! An app would be even...

In: Technical questions 5 replies last reply 1 year, 1 month ago
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