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Integrated stereo amps for 1723s towers?

Hello. Im thinking about buying a pair of the 1723 tower S. With that in mind im going to need a amp. I want an integrated amp. Im considering either -Cambridge audio evo 150 -Hegel H190 -Rotel 1592 mk2 Personally i like the idea of having an all in one...

7 replies last reply 5 months ago

Identical speakers all around

Hi guys, I just wanted to have your input on having the same speaker for all your channels. I personally am a big fan of this setup, as it just gives the most natural blend between the channels and every speaker is basically equally important. You will need to have...

9 replies last reply 5 months, 1 week ago

Dual 1723 1V Subwoofer setup

Hi Guys,   SO I just picked up a second 1723 1V subwoofer for my setup, and have some questions around the app settings. Is there any benefit to “grouping” the two subwoofers together on the app? Also, should I be amending the “Number of Subs” setting to “2” on...

1 replies last reply 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Position Atmos

Well, to complete my equipment with Arendal, I have ordered 2 pairs of bookshelfs to use as Atmos, embedding them in the false ceiling. I have a positioning question, my room is a bit narrow at 3.5m and I don’t know whether to orient them to the listening position. Or...

20 replies last reply 5 months, 3 weeks ago

amplification 1961

I recently bought 2 1961 bookshelf speakers and a couple of 1961 Atmos speakers, the bookshelf arrived and I knew they were going to be hard due to their 84dbs so I tried them with a 60w Nad 326 but they don’t perform well, I tried a stage Cambridge 200w...

3 replies last reply 6 months, 1 week ago

1961 surrounds vs 1961 monitors

Hi there! New to the community. I just placed my order for the 1732S Monitor pair and the 1732S Center channel speakers for my LCR and I am seeing some good deals on the 1961 speakers and seeing if which would be better for my left and right surrounds. The...

2 replies last reply 6 months, 1 week ago
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