Gradual upgrade, what to choose for surround?
I’m upgrading my HT speakers gradually and the plan is to use speakers for LCR from the 1723 series. Regarding my surround, back surround, and Atmos which will be my 1st upgrade step, I use a crossover of 100 hz becuase I sit close to the wall and I feel too much pressure on my ears if I cross them lower than that. So I think there is no need to use monitors for surround and the bookshelf is enough. Am I correct?
For the bookshelf model to be used and considering the 100 hz crossover situation, are there any advantages for using the 1723 bookshelf model over the 1961 model? Should I give priority to some locations and use the 1723 model? For example, should I use 1723 for surround and 1961 for back surround?
I have the same question for the Atmos speakers: 1723 or 1961 considering they will be crossed ove at 100 hz.