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  1. Hans Erik Sæbø 2073 points
  2. Erin 1223 points
  3. Luis 402 points

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Community becomes Club

To enhance our connection with you and foster deeper interactions and socialization, we are excited to introduce an upgraded platform—now known as the Arendal Sound Club. This transformation from our previous community platform marks a new chapter in how we engage and interact.We warmly invite you to join the Club...

In: Announcements 4 replies last reply 4 days, 18 hours ago

Toe in

i everyone! I have been testing different placement for my 1723 s bookshelves and it really suprised me how the sound stage changed with placement.In my old house it wasnt that importatant, but here in my new home, its very important. The speakers are now placed so they almost  are...

In: Technical questions 4 replies last reply 1 week, 3 days ago

Arendal Sound wish list

I saw a recent post about wanting Arendal Sound in ceiling and in wall speakers and it made me curious what other things people would want to see from Arendal just for fun. Maybe something like a 1723 center channel made like the towers with four bass drivers and a...

In: Ideas 60 replies last reply 1 week, 4 days ago

1723 Surrounds Monopole for front stage

I started my Arendal sound journey with 1961 Monitors for LCR in my living room, and was very happy with the results, so much so that I purchased some 1723 Monitors for my garage (no space/less esthetics constrains) and was very impressed with the 1723’s. Therefore I started thinking about...

In: Showroom 5 replies last reply 1 week, 6 days ago

Pic of the setup

Hi again everyone. I know it isnt perfect. Height of the tv, the bookshelves on the subs…. I know.  Pls. I do. But as I said,  I just moved and wanted some heavy metal for the boring part of moving.. haha ok. So here is just a pic from it....

In: Showroom 13 replies last reply 2 weeks, 1 day ago
Exciting News! We’ve transformed our Community into the exclusive Arendal Sound Club! Dive into a more engaging way to connect with fellow audio enthusiasts and enjoy special, members-only benefits. Best of all, you can continue using your existing credentials. Visit Club