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Subwoofer 1723 2S

Community Member

Dear all,

I am just curious, since the 2S has 2 XLR ports, is every side of the sub separately controlable ?

Are there also some wave patterns available to see how the sound waves behave coming from the side ?

Thank you in advance !


All replies (2)

Customer Support

Hi Markus,

We already replied to you via email, but let’s answer this one too, so the other others can see.

Both drivers play as one unit and are not individual subwoofers in one cabinet. The two inputs are just for people who have a source with only left and right outputs and not a dedicated mono subwoofer out.

Low bass frequencies have no directionality so they radiate in a sphere pattern. There are some concepts to get a more directional sound (cardioid dispersion e.g.), but typically it is not found on subwoofers as it reduces its efficiency quite a bit.


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