No Arendal 8 inch bookshelfs! What is the alternative?
I recently purchased a pair of Arendal 1723 moniors (8 inch drivers) and want to upgrade the rest of the system to have all Arendal speakers (total of 7). I feel comfortable to have identical drivers for all 3 front speakers as a set, and identical drivers for the 4 back speakers as a set. Consequently, I was planning to get the 1723 center (8 inch) and four 1723 Monitor S (6.5 inch) for surround and back surround.
Becuase of some issues, I’m forced to use the 1723 monitors I have as surround speakers and buy two additional 1723 monitors for the front with the matching center speaker. For back surround, my preference is to have 8 inch speakers because of the new situation but geting the monitors is too much. I tried the 6.5 bookshelfes and returned them. I felt something is missing with them, maybe because they were sealed or maybe because they had 6.5 drivers or maybe both. So I think 8 inch ported bookshelfs are the best option but Arendal doesn’t make them.
My two options from what Arendal offers are the 1723 S monitiors (ported but 6.5 inch drivers) and the 1723 surrounds (8 inch driver but sealed). Which of the two is more suitable for my system? Will the perfromance of the 8 inch driver of the 1723 suttounds achieve higher coherence with the other speakers in the system? or the ported beaviour of the S monitors?