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Strange response from 1723 towers compared with center channel

Community Member


What may be causing so different response at MLP between a 1723 center channel and my 2 1723 towers on the band between 300 to 450hz?

Whereas my center shows a pretty linear/smooth response the towers has that dip that is driving me crazy I don’t know if this is basically positioning of the towers but I don’t find how to get rid of that.


All replies (2)

Fernando Ayllón
Community Member

It can be due to different factors, either individually or combined.

It can be a matter of moving your LP. Have you tried measuring in front and behind your MLP?

I assume you listen the center speaker mostly on axis. Is that also true for the mains?

Have you treated the first reflection points?

Have you measure the speakers near-field to discard is not a speaker thing? Are you using some sort of room correction/EQ?

Kristoffer Svendsen
Customer Support

Hello Carlos,

As Fernando mentions, it’s most likely due to placement and room interactions. May I ask how much distance you have between the speakers and the front/side walls? I would try placing the speakers further from the walls and/or plugging the ports to see if that helps at all. Please keep us posted if our suggestions change anything!

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