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1723 S monitor reference axis

In the past I have seen some speaker manufacturers that list the reference axis for their speakers,and it’s either the center of the tweeter,or the mid point between the midwoofer and tweeter. What is considered the reference axis for the 1723 S monitors? I am trying to get the placement...

1 replies last reply 8 months, 2 weeks ago

Design Flaws of 1961 Monitors

Hey, besides the non existing white/light grill covers of white speakers, I noticed some points on the 1723 monitors as surrounds and I believe these will be found on other speakers as well. Hence, I was wondering if I am the only one noticing/bothering about it or doing something wrong?...

14 replies last reply 8 months, 3 weeks ago

2 x 1961 1S data better than one 1723 2S ?

As far as I know, placing 2 subs next to each other results in +6db gain, and placing them apart results in +3db gain. The CEA 2010 data for both the 1961 Subwoofer 1S and the 1723 Subwoofer 2S then implies placing 2 of the 1961 1S next to each...

5 replies last reply 9 months ago

Feet on Subwoofer 2V

Hi. does anyone got any opinions on whether or not the standard feet on the Arendal subwoofers is good for decoupling the sub from the floor, or there will be something to gain in investing in ISO acoustics Gaia or something? I just bought the Gaia 2 for the towers,...

7 replies last reply 9 months ago

Newly Received 1723 1S driver not firing

I ordered 2 x 1723 1S Subs and received them today.  One clearly works and the 2nd one doesn’t.  I tried just about everything, including switching RCA cable, changing AVR settings, trying 3 different receivers, switching Sub ports, and anything else you can think of. LCD screen works and it...

2 replies last reply 9 months, 1 week ago
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