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Community becomes Club

To enhance our connection with you and foster deeper interactions and socialization, we are excited to introduce an upgraded platform—now known as the Arendal Sound Club. This transformation from our previous community platform marks a new chapter in how we engage and interact.We warmly invite you to join the Club...

In: Announcements 4 replies last reply 3 days, 7 hours ago

Toe in

i everyone! I have been testing different placement for my 1723 s bookshelves and it really suprised me how the sound stage changed with placement.In my old house it wasnt that importatant, but here in my new home, its very important. The speakers are now placed so they almost  are...

4 replies last reply 1 week, 1 day ago

Anyone using tube amp with 1723 thx towers

I have a wilsenton r800i tube intergrated amp which uses a 805 tube 48 Watts with 4 and 8 ohm taps. Been thinking about purchasing a pair of 1723 thx towers .some reviews have suggested that tubes work well. But reading through this forum No one seems to use tubes...

6 replies last reply 1 week, 4 days ago

Impedance and amps

My 1723 center is listed as 4 ohm. In looking at the impedance chart, it looks like it performs around 5 ohms at130 hz and then lifts above for the remainder of the sweep. My question, some amps are not rated for 4 ohms or are 4 ohm stereo amps...

0 replies last reply 3 weeks, 5 days ago

Yamaha with Arendal

<i>Hello</i>   I am thinking about buying a pair of the 1723 monitor s and a Yamaha as 1200, does anybody have any experience with Arendal and Yamaha? I would also like to add a DAC so I can use the analog amplifier as a 2 channel movie setup, do...

3 replies last reply 4 weeks, 1 day ago
Exciting News! We’ve transformed our Community into the exclusive Arendal Sound Club! Dive into a more engaging way to connect with fellow audio enthusiasts and enjoy special, members-only benefits. Best of all, you can continue using your existing credentials. Visit Club