1723 Monitor S THX review - Jay’s iyagi | Arendal Sound

1723 Monitor S THX review – Jay’s iyagi

"I called the Arendal 1723 THX Tower speakers the "TRUE GIANT KILLER" in my review. Now this is the THX S Monitor and I must say, this is probably one of the best audiophile speaker under $3000 in both sound and build quality."

“A real killer – providing incredible value.”

“Spectacular build quality.”

“Arendal’s customer service is one of the best I have seen in this industry.”

“In terms of sound quality, I absolutely love this speaker a lot.”

“This speaker has the almost perfect tuning that I would look for in a loudspeaker, both for music and home theater.”

“This tuning sounds absolutely phenomenal to me.”

“Really nice nuance and delicacy and that full mid-range presence…”

“Just a perfect balance of that upper mid-range is what makes this speaker truly special in my opinion.”

“The bass is very dynamic.”

“That mid-bass region, very punchy, very quick, very dynamic, very effortless in that bass presentation.”

“You get this wide projection of sound and that deep deep projection of sound, but with very good attack and decay structure and you get this amazing imagery.”

“Just a beautiful layering of sound.”

“A very atmospheric and involving sound, while retaining clarity in the dynamics and in the high-frequency.”

“The bass is very clean and fast-sounding,…., it is just the right amount of speed and attack and decay and punch and dynamics and cleanliness.”

Reviewed speakers