Very clear with great detail reproduction, pleasantly soft, and never harsh or obtrusive. For me, they are a real insider tip.
“..instead of the much cheaper plastic wrap, it is completely painted in a matte coating….that definitely gives the speakers a very high-quality finish…“
“…very clear with great detail reproduction, pleasantly soft, and never harsh or obtrusive...”
“...already the Bookshelfs create a soundstage that I have never heard before in this price range…“
“…terrific imaging both in terms of width and especially in terms of height…“
“…individual instruments are separated very nicely and are easily audible, paired with a very precise reproduction of voices…“
“…Arendal generally conveys music recordings very detailed and realistic. You can hear the smallest subtleties and assign them to their virtual places; really impressive…“
“…the Towers also show a very nice and powerful bass foundation that is very precisely delivered.“
“…on the Bookshelfs, I was actually surprised by how much bass it has. It sounds really good and if you want more, you can add a subwoofer. Otherwise, they come surprisingly close to the KEF LS50 and I certainly didn’t expect that…“
“…for me, they are a real insider tip...”