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For manual calibration, the delay from when the amplifier receives the signal until output is 8ms. →
Here are the settings we recommend for Home Cinema purposes, settings not mentioned are ones we would rather leave as is unless you for any specific reason want to change them. This guide should be read in conjunction with the Amplifier Operation Manual in the handbook. Please see our other guides for Dual Source or […] →
Here are the settings we recommend for Dual Source purposes, specifically stereo setups combined with Home Cinema setups. Please look at individual Stereo or Home Cinema best practice for further information about each setup. This guide should be read in conjunction with the Amplifier Operation Manual in the handbook. The first thing you have to […] →
Here are the settings we recommend for Stereo purposes, specifically stereo setups that do not have room correction or adjustability on the subwoofer output. For stereo sources with room correction please refer to the home cinema guide. Settings not mentioned are ones we would rather leave as is unless you for any specific reason want […] →
The amplifier plate will go up to a certain temperature because the entire front plate of the amp acts like a heat sink for the internal transistors. We recommend not covering the plate with anything to let the heat dissipate, and it will never be so hot that it is uncomfortable to the touch. →
The S and V here stands for Sealed and Vented enclosure. These subwoofers are built up with the exact same drivers and amplifiers, just different cabinets. The vented cabinet is pretty large compared to the sealed cabinet so that is something to take into consideration. 1V also comes with a foam plug to insert into […] →
The 1961 Subwoofer 1S and the 1961 Subwoofer 1V both feature the same amplifier, our Avalanche 550 IQ. The amp draws around 17W in idle and 3W in stand-by. If you are interested in the max power draw, please have a look here. →
Being our current entry-level subwoofer, there is nothing about 1961 Subwoofer 1S performance that would suggest it being so. Using our proprietary 12.2” driver driven by our unique 550W RMS Avalanche 550 IQ DSP amp, the cabinet volume has been sized to produce an optimally damped system, producing low distortion, extremely dynamic and natural deep […] →
The 1961 Subwoofer 1V is simply put a 1961 Subwoofer 1S on steroids. Same solid HDF enclosure but larger and equipped with a high precision slot port. Using our proprietary 12.2” driver driven by our unique 550W RMS Avalanche 550 IQ DSP amp, the cabinet volume has been sized to produce an optimally damped system, […] →
1961 AVALANCHE 550 IQ AMPLIFIER “Revolutionary” is rarely used in the audio industry, especially for speakers and subwoofers. The new Avalanche 550 IQ subwoofer amplifier from Arendal Sound is one exception, measured in performance and technology. State of the art amplifier designed and developed from scratch to give performance and features you could only ask […] →