Should I Give My Personal Information to Customs (or DHL/FedEx)?

One way we have managed to achieve such low prices is by shipping direct-to-customer.

While the purchase process is very smooth, sometimes Customs requires a little information from you, the importer.

Why Wasn’t I Told before Purchase?

As you can imagine, each country’s Customs policy is unique and can change at any time, thus it is impossible for us to keep tabs on the current requirements. That being said, do not worry if our transport partner asks for personal information on the behalf of your country’s Customs department; this is completely normal.

I Have Been a Victim of Identity Theft

While identity theft from phishing scams is the norm, a violation of privacy laws from our transport partners is almost unheard of. Personal information is forwarded to Customs departments worldwide on a daily basis. So rest assured that an information request received is nothing out of the ordinary.

Do Your Part

Make sure and review our transport partner’s guidelines for suspicious communication/information requests in your country. When in doubt, contact the appropriate transport partner to confirm the authenticity of an email or phone number.



Tired of overpriced audio products that fail to deliver on their promises and underwhelming customer support? Then you’ve come to the right place. Our products are where engineering excellence meets passion for great audio. And, because we only deal directly with you, greater value for money is only ever a click away.