The Benefits of Our Bookshelf Design | Arendal Sound

The Benefits of Our Bookshelf Design

Most people consider our bookshelf speakers when space is a concern, but there are a few other reasons you should put them on your shortlist.


2-Channel Music

Our bookshelves sound wonderful in 2-channel setups because they couple extremely well in-room, surrounding you in music. Credit must be given to the custom waveguide and tweeter, allowing for smooth on-axis as well as off-axis frequency response. 

The result is a remarkably strong music setup.

Surround Duty


If you are looking for surround speakers and will be placing them more than 2 meters / 6 feet away, our bookshelf speakers are a fine option. This is because you start to lose the enveloping “bubble” effect of our TriAxial design the farther away they are positioned. So if the distance between the side walls or the MLP and rear wall fit the above criteria, consider our bookshelves.

Cost-To-Luxury Ratio

When it comes to performance, our “entry-level” 1961 series can definitely hold its own against its more mature 1723 brethren. Yet one area we were able to save cost is the no-nonsense painted matte finish. The result is a conservative yet elegant design, but if you really prefer a refined finish like satin or gloss, the 1723 Bookshelf S is likely perfect for your budget.