"Best I’ve heard under a 1000$! Good clarity, good delivery, good tone, good detail, good separation as well!"
“That screams quality!”
“I appreciate that Arendal Sound is not interested in cutting corners.”
“The cabinet is made of HDF and it is stout guys!”
“This little guy weighs more than 10 pounds.”
“Let me be clear, this is a sound I like a lot. The top end is fairly smooth yet detailed, good clarity, very open. Never harsh, never fatiguing.”
“Spatial cues were one of the things that were most impressive about the speaker.”
“Best I’ve heard under a 1000$! Good clarity, good delivery, good tone, good detail, good separation as well!”
“This speaker has the ability to put vocalists exactly where the recording says they should be.”
“They knocked it out of the park. This speaker exceeded my expectations so much that they are a potential product of the year!”
“I like them guys, they are good, they are pretty good!”
“At the end of the day, we’ve got a serious winner!”
“A great pair of speakers to start your home cinema off with!”
“A lot of people may not realize is how damn good these are as main left and right speakers.”