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  1. Hans Erik Sæbø 2073 points
  2. Erin 1223 points
  3. Luis 402 points

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1723 2S, 1V, 2V or 2x 1S ?

I’m interested a new subwoofer config using the 1723 and would like to know more about what I should expect from each of these configurations in a 6x6x3m living room that opens up to additional space like kitchen and hallway. Would appreciate inputs and recommendations. Some more info about my...

In: Technical questions 1 replies last reply 9 months, 2 weeks ago

My Home Theater

Hey community, this is my attempt at turning an ordinary living room into a home theater. It would be nice if I had a dedicated space that I could go to town with, but I have to make do with the living room I have, and it also has to...

In: Hangout 6 replies last reply 9 months, 3 weeks ago

Bi-wire vs jumpers

Hello, I recently received my 1723 THX towers.  I am curious for any experience regarding bi-wiring the speakers vs using the supplied jumpers.  My system is a 2 channel system for audio only, no video.  I was wondering if anyone else had experimented with bi-wiring and heard any improvement over...

In: Technical questions 6 replies last reply 10 months ago

CD PLayer upgrade

In the quest for squeezing the last bit of great sound from my Arendal speakers, I have a question. First let me say, I have a Marantz CD 6005 being used as a transport to my Hegel H190’s DAC. The sound is much better than using the Marantz with it’s...

In: Technical questions 1 replies last reply 10 months ago
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