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Packaging Material Use

In an effort to clean up the looks a bit. I was able to temporarily use the packaging material from the box to use them as speaker stands. will eventually build out some stand that blends well but for now, it gets the job done. Also gives it a a...

In: Ideas 8 replies last reply 10 months, 1 week ago


Hi I currently owned focal aria 926 for front left and right and the matching center cc900. I want to replace and complete to full arendal setup. I owned surround 1723s, four 1961 height for atmos and 1723 2s subwoofer. It is a living room, the length is 5.8 meter,...

In: Technical questions 4 replies last reply 10 months, 1 week ago

THX 1723 S surround placement back wall

Hi all, Maybe a stupid question but just checking with you to be sure… I am placing my THX 1723 S against my back wall I found this info regarding this on the Arendal website: Therefore when mounting as the surround back channels in a seven-channel system, the in-phase drivers...

In: Technical questions 4 replies last reply 10 months, 2 weeks ago
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