Can You Use Our Center Chanel Speakers Vertically? | Arendal Sound

Can You Use Our Center Chanel Speakers Vertically?

June 14, 2024

Horizontal or Vertical does it make a difference?

Typically, the orientation of center channel speakers is horizontal to fit under projector screens or TVs but from time to time we get the question can it be used vertically. Perhaps you are building a baffle wall or would like to use our center channel speaker behind an acoustically transparent screen.
The short answer is YES you can!
Vertically placed the center speaker will have a better off-axis response. Placing it horizontally will work great as well, but if you’re more than 20 degrees off-axis, the response will gradually start to decrease. This is not the case when vertically placed.


Our monitor and center speakers in the same series are acoustically identical, but the termnal plate on the back is rotated to suit the horizontal placement of the center, as is the logo on the front. The logo on the grille is magnetic and can be moved to whichever orientation you choose, but that is not the case for the logo on the speaker itself. So if you’re already using the 1723 Monitor THX or 1723 Monitor S THX speakers placed vertically you will have no problems creating a harmonious front sound stage.