Toed-in Speakers Can Make All the Difference. | Arendal Sound

Toed-in Speakers Can Make All the Difference.

June 14, 2024

I’ve heard the term ‘toe in’ but what does it mean?

With so many different terms in the audio world, it can be hard to keep up and understand what they all mean. So let’s demystify this one and get you one step closer to better-sounding audio.
Toe-in refers to the angle at which a pair of speakers are pointed toward the listener. Proper toe-in can greatly improve the overall sound quality and imaging of a stereo system. With the correct toe-in speakers will disappear into the room and instruments and voices will come alive and emanate around you. 

Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on how to properly toe-in your speakers:

  1. Start by placing the speakers in their desired locations.
    Click this link for more information about speaker placement. Speaker Placement & Setup

  2. Slowly angle the speakers inwards towards the listener, while paying attention to the soundstage and imaging. A good rule of thumb is to aim the inside edges of the speaker toward the listener’s

  3. Experiment with small adjustments to the toe-in angle until you achieve the best soundstage and imaging.

  4. Once you’ve achieved the desired toe-in angle, make sure that the speakers are level and securely placed.
    It’s important to remember that the optimal toe-in angle will vary depending on the room acoustics, the sound radiation pattern of the speakers, and the listener’s preferences, so it’s a good idea to experiment with different angles to find out what works best for you. Finding the perfect solution can take some time so be patient, it will be worth it.

What should I listen out for?

  • Vocal clarity
  • High-frequency shift (is the treble becoming too ‘harsh’)
  • Sound stage (does the music sound as if it extends from beyond the speakers)
  • Can you pinpoint individual sounds
  • Center imaging (do sounds feel like they are emerging between the left and right channels)

By following these simple steps, you should be able to improve the overall sound quality and submerge yourself even deeper into the music.