I Have Some Items to Ship Back to Arendal and Received DHL Labels, What Do I Do? | Arendal Sound

I Have Some Items to Ship Back to Arendal and Received DHL Labels, What Do I Do?

Europe and international orders

For returns inside the EU, you will receive the DHL labels from us via email.
They need to be printed out and attached to the box
We will schedule a pick-up time with you beforehand.


For international orders, the same process applies, plus the addition of commercial invoices.
You will have to print the shipping label (page 1), a note to the courier (page 2), and three proforma invoices. 
Attach the shipping label and two proforma invoices visible in a transparent plastic pouch on the outside of the parcel.
Page 2 (To be handled to the courier) and one proforma invoice is to be handled to the courier when he pick-up the shipment.
If you are unable to print the papers, please contact DHL locally and they will print the papers for you. Use the Pickup Confirmation Number as a reference.