This is a common question that is well researched. Let’s break down when you can get by with a single subwoofer, and why you most likely want two. One Seat If you are only worried about low-frequency sound at one seat, you are most likely fine with one subwoofer. With the help of ideal placement […]
Have trouble connecting our app to your 1723 subwoofer? Read on for great troubleshooting tips. The most common mistake we see is attempting to pair 1723 subwoofers directly to a phone by using the Bluetooth menu. The app will connect with the subwoofer when you open the app. Please make sure you have accepted to share […]
All of our subwoofers are compatible with wireless adaptors, and considering how ingrained Wifi technology is these days, you can pretty much go with any option. Just make sure your choice isn’t infamous for connectivity issues and you should be fine.
From time to time there is concern online about the MTM design as a center channel. Like any speaker, there are benefits and compromises. Let’s go over why we chose the tried and true MTM design for our center channels. The Ideal An ideal center channel will have the same driver layout and orientation as […]
We all know that the 1723 Subwoofer 1S is a fantastic, compact, sealed subwoofer. But what are you missing by passing on the larger 1723 Subwoofer 1V? Let’s dig in. Ample Pressure The 1723 Subwoofer 1V’s significantly larger enclosure and vented design allow if to better pressurize your space. When necessary, it can replicated a […]
When paying via bank transfer, some customers are surprised when the total is a small percentage higher than expected. Rest assured that we have not snuck in an extra fee, your bank has! Reach out to your bank or card company for clarification as small service fees are completely normal in bank transfers.
You like movies and listen to music as well, but only have one room. Can you get away with using one of our vented subwoofers for both? We suspect you already know the answer, but continue to understand why. Better Is Not Easy We have said it before because it’s true; it is easy to […]
Some customers seek advice on speaker layout for their space, and are disappointed when we recommend a 5.1 or 7.1 setup. Keep reading for some insight as to why we sometimes recommend a more conservative number of speakers. Why So Few? We all know that speakers that are ideally placed in relation to the main […]
Different beasts, and different price points, yet the comparison is common. On the surface, the differences are obvious, but when it comes down to it, which is right for you? The Similarities In a word, value. These two subwoofers are packed with phenomenal performance-to-price ratios. Sure, they have different woofers and different amps, but identical […]
While we do not currently make custom-install products, it is definitely a future option. The Alternative For those with limited floor space, our non-tower speakers can all be flush mounted to a wall via our brackets. Just make sure and use two brackets for our larger, reference 1723 Monitor and Center. Furthermore, we always insist […]