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  1. Hans Erik Sæbø 2073 points
  2. Erin 1223 points
  3. Luis 402 points

Latest topics

Arendal Subs vs SVS Subs

Does anyone have any experience as to whether the Arendal subs are better than the SVS subs as far as definition, distortion, tightness, etc.  Power output is not a concern as I don’t crank the volume way up. Just wandering if I would gain much with an Arendal sub. The...

In: Technical questions 46 replies last reply 3 months, 4 weeks ago

Communication with others

I’ve never really been on a forum before joing Arendal and have a question and hope it is not out of place. Is there anyway to contact people outside the forum such as through email? Maybe it is not something people do on forums, I was just wandering. Maybe the...

In: Hangout 10 replies last reply 3 months, 4 weeks ago

DIY Media Storage

I made this media shelving for behind my couch, my diy project the last two days. I had blurays and other stuff scattered everywhere, so organizing was a must for the New Year. Not sure if I’ll end up staining them, but for now I’m pleased with the finished product....

In: Hangout 27 replies last reply 4 months ago
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