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  1. Hans Erik Sæbø 2073 points
  2. Erin 1223 points
  3. Luis 402 points

Latest topics

DIY Media Storage

I made this media shelving for behind my couch, my diy project the last two days. I had blurays and other stuff scattered everywhere, so organizing was a must for the New Year. Not sure if I’ll end up staining them, but for now I’m pleased with the finished product....

In: Hangout 27 replies last reply 4 months, 2 weeks ago

Current movies with great sound

Hey guys, I kind of feel there are not so many new movies released with better than average sound. Most of them are okay but lack, especially dynamics. They sound like they were mastered for your TV and soundbar and not for a great home-cinema experience. Basically all Marvel/Disney movies...

In: Hangout 146 replies last reply 4 months, 3 weeks ago

Clothing and such.

I’m sure others have thought of this but here’s my take. I would love to see clothing with the Arendal name/logo on them. It would be great to be able to proudly display the brand we own and are so passionate about (as well for advertising). Would also love to...

In: Ideas 50 replies last reply 4 months, 4 weeks ago
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