What Are CEA 2010 Measurements? | Arendal Sound

What Are CEA 2010 Measurements?

June 14, 2024

What Are CEA 2010 Measurements?

CEA 2010 (also now known as CTA 2010) is a standardized method of measuring subwoofers to make it easier for the customer to compare different models and brands.
It measures the usable output at 1/3-octave intervals within the subwoofer’s operational range.
Tests are done outside in a free field with the microphone at a set distance pointing at the front or driver.
It is not optimal as subwoofers with drivers on the side and/or vents in the back, will have reduced efficiency. That is why our subwoofers will have a much greater output in normal room conditions.

Still, CEA 2010 is a good start in the right direction to making tech specs much more comparable and transparent and ending meaningless marketing statements.